Sarah Richardson Paints

Sarah Richardson, the Canadian guru of design and decorating, is here to save the day. popular for her portfolio of dynamic-meets-restful rooms, Sarah has teamed up with Para Paints to unveil her own collection of paint colours! Sarah and her team have combed many samples and inspirations to pare down a very carefully edited selection of colours just for you. No a lot more guess work. No a lot more mistakes. just stunning results, based on the experience of one in the know.

A couple of weeks ago, Sarah, Para Paints (yes, Sarah and Para rhyme) and Lowe’s (who will be carrying Sarah/Para paint across Canada) threw a swanky party at Toronto’s Gardiner museum to launch the new line. everybody was there, and I got a sneak height at the Sarah Richardson palette of colours. let me just say, they’re delish!

Here’s the ever-charming Tommy Smythe, Sarah and I at the party. These two were a big part of how I got in this biz actually…

Here I am with Cityline personality, blog genius and fellow H&H contributor, Arren Williams. Sorry about the light in the background… arg.

This is a terrific shot of home To stay and home To flip host Peter Fallico, style at home editor and blogger Margot Austin (her blog on hate-able design offenders kills me), and Pure design host Samantha Pynn. Peter and Margot are looking very colourful and spring-ready. Samantha is wearing the needed black to ‘ground’ the composition…

But enough about the party! This new paint palette is just the ticket with soothing, sophisticated neutrals, plus a bunch of hot fashion colours to really make a statement. some of my personal favourites (so far) are: Oyster SR3, Escarpment SR12, Salmon SR22, surf SR31, Eyelet SR33, Patina SR42, Celadon SR49, Buttercup SR51, Citrine SR63, Coral SR66 and Moss SR71.

Take a look at some of Sarah’s projects and then head out to Lowe’s to see the collection for yourself. I see a Saturday afternoon of painting in your future…

For a lot more of Sarah’s colour advice, enjoy this interview with Lynda Reeves.

Photo credits:1-4. Michael Penney5. Sarah Richardson Design, Sarah’s House6. Sarah Richardson Design, Hilltop Contemporary7. Sarah Richardson Design, Hilltop Contemporary8. Sarah Richardson Design, Sarah’s House9. Sarah Richardson Design, Sarah’s House

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